A simple otrio game where you play vs three AI controlled players so it is single player.  Its quick and fun.

To add challenge the game also uses a turn timer so you only have a set amount of time to make your move.

By default you play as red and the other 3 players as AI. You may change this to anything you like in the player settings menu. Have an all AI game, a no AI game, etc. 

The game assumes you know how to play otrio.  If you do not, here is a link to a youtube video

The game currently lacks turn skipping. In the board game turn skipping is allowed. 

Note. The AI is intentionally good but not perfect. It should be a challenge but beatable.

Release date 33 days ago
Made withGIMP, Inkscape, GameMaker, Blender
TagsCasual, Simple, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes

Development log

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